Top / August £126.00
The design is inspired by this poem:
The morning breeze gently arrived with whispers of the new year’s scent,
May you be blessed in this year and in all the years to come,
May you be blessed in this day and all the days to come\Saadi
Top / Because of Love £126.00
The design is inspired by this poem:
I will drop the lines
And I will also stop counting the numbers
and among limited geometric shapes
I will take refuge in the vast sensory fields,
and all my wounds are from love, from love love loveForough Farrokhzad
Top / Demeter £126.00
The design is inspired by this poem:
Without you and your beauty,
do not doubt that not only me but also
the sky fallsEhsan Haeri
Top / Entreaty £126.00
The design is inspired by this poem:
I felt his smell from a flower and ran towards him drunkenly
until I make my home in the dust of his soulRahi Moayeri
Top / Existence £126.00
The design is inspired by this poem:
Without you, there is nothing in the territory of my existence!
If there is nothing, there is everything in spite of you
Saadi Shirazi
Top / My Soul and My world£126.00£126.00
The design is inspired by this poem:
what is better than that you are my world and soul,
Why are lovers sad that the world is mortal
Top / Nothing £126.00
The design is inspired by this poem:
I said silent (yes)
And like the morning breeze
I blew to you trembling and restless
But you were nothing and I still saw that
There is nothing in my chest except your desireForough Farrokhzad
Top / Sama £126.00
The design is inspired by this poem:
I am aweary of these tearful people so full of complaining;
that ranting and roaring of the drunkards is my desire.
In one hand the winecup, in the other the Beloved’s curl—to
dance so in the midst of the arena is my desireRumi
Top / Soul £126.00
The design is inspired by this poem:
Stealthily as the soul,
you are going in the midst of my soul;
O luster of my garden,
you are my gracefully cypress.Rumi
Top and Skirt / Love’s Kingdom £330.20
The design is inspired by this poem:
Dead yet I was, came to life, weeping I was, then came to laugh,
Love’s Kingdom came, I came to be, the kingdom of eternity